Operation Connect. Current and past research reveal that good mental health is related to our support system, our network of regular contact with others in a home setting, in meaningful and comfortable visits and casual gatherings and in task oriented situations all with people with whom there is mutual respect and care for each other’s welfare. Miami-Dade County is noted for a lack of interaction between its many ethnic factions and even between its residents in their homes; many people have never had a cup of coffee in their neighbors homes. The city of Miami was founded in 1896 with 300 people. Now, with 2.7 million people in Miami-Dade County, we have rapidly built a community with ingathering from all over the world. To expect this diverse population to develop a true sense of community in a few generations does not seem reasonable and, in fact, it has not happened. So, if, as the attached Ted Talk discusses, one’s mental health is dependent upon a welcoming and nurturing community and life setting, fostering such a setting and network of connections would seem to be required if we want to have good mental health in our County. Not an easily achieved goal but it can be done.

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