The mission of the Mental Health Association of Miami-Dade County is to assure that, to the extent possible, all those in need of mental health services in Miami-Dade County have sufficient available and affordable resources to address their short and long term needs in a timely and convenient manner. Gaps and inefficiencies in service are identified and the agency works to encourage and assist agencies to cover unmet mental health needs.
Miami-Dade County, Florida, has many fine agencies and institutions offering mental health services in a wide variety of settings. Yet there are many people not receiving needed guidance and counseling due to lack of resources in many parts of the mental health system or lack of knowledge or understanding of their personal need or the need of a friend or loved one for service or where or how to access the system. The agencies, deeply involved in delivering specific essential services, do not have the funds, staff or perspective to objectively assess the status of and the unmet need for mental health services in the entire County or to broadly reach out to those in need. The Mental Health Association of Miami-Dade County (MHA/MDC) is dedicated to fulfilling those functions while working to increase the amount and availability of delivered services by existing agencies throughout the County in the following ways.
Umbrella agencies such as the United Way and the Greater Miami Jewish Federation can speak for an entire network of services with knowledge and authority. While the MHA/MDC has no administrative power over any of the agencies or institutions for which it is advocating its credibility and effectiveness in doing so is based on its understanding of the overall mental health treatment system and its dedicated effort to fully define it. While each agency can and will continue to advocate for itself there are some causes and needs common to several agencies which will benefit from the MHA/MDC addressing those needs more broadly and with one voice. Identifying such issues and focusing well informed advocacy for them in the correct forums could produce more appropriate and stronger messages and mitigation when needed. Focusing on single issues can make a strong impact and provide results without reducing the agencies sovereignty.
The first step in problem solving is to define the problem. By gathering data on the amount and nature of mental health service being offered throughout the county and by determining, as much as possible, the total unmet need the MHA/MDC can work to fill the gaps. Understanding how others have addressed such concerns will also be of benefit. This will be a major part of the Agency’s function.
As a forum and meeting place for the many mental health agencies the MHA-MDC can act as a catalyst for synergistic cooperation and growth. We cannot deny the strong driving force which does and must exist within each organization; nothing can be achieved without it. But by sharing goals, data and planned efforts economies of resources and time can be realized.
Awareness of the signs of mental illness or dysfunction is sorely lacking in the general public and in those who make laws and ordinances related to it. Recognizing subtle signs of suicidal ideation or of the deterioration of a family unit and similar disorders and where to seek counseling and guidance requires extensive and creative outreach. By offering classes, guest lecturers, print material and audio/visual presentation the MHA/MDC can bring these concerns and solutions to the attention of all citizens in schools, organizations and through public media. Using all available media the MHA/MDC can raise awareness of where counseling can be found and nurture the idea that, regardless of the situation, there is help.
Each mental health entity exists because it has been effective in obtaining the funds necessary for its operation. Such efforts are time consuming and exhausting. To the extent that the MHA/MDC can work to enhance the fund raising efforts of the individual agencies and for the entire mental health system all can benefit, the agency will do so. An independent umbrella agency can be more objective in assessing, addressing and annunciating the needs of the entire County.
There are already significant data bases within the existing mental health agencies and educational and treatment institutions so that information can be built upon. The MHA/MDC website can serve as a single repository for links to studies and data of all of the mental health agencies. It can also catalog relevant information from similar agencies throughout the nation and the world.
The Mental Health Association of Miami-Dade County, Inc is a 501 (C) 3 Florida non-profit Corporation.